Sunday, January 9, 2022

New Life- Week 93 (Play Nice 2022)

Last week, you may remember, we found out Merrick had Covid. I think we all have the tendency on New Year's Eve/Day to look back and reflect on the year and to look forward and think about the future.  That's what I did on New Year's Eve.  It's funny because I found myself feeling very optimistic about 2022 and then we woke up and next morning and quickly got a reality check with a positive Covid test.

Our week this week looked much like you would expect it to look following a Covid diagnosis.  Merrick spent the week in the basement on his own.  It's not as bad as it sounds.  We brought his mattress down and so he had a comfy place to sleep.  He also had unlimited access to the tv and video games downstairs.  He watched the entire Marvel series in the first two days!  He would just text Jeremy or I if he wanted anything (FOOD...always food).  It was a solid week of vegging and milking Covid for all it's worth.

The rest of us mostly just stayed home.  Carrigan was allowed to got the school, but didn't go anywhere else.  Jeremy worked from home and Elise and I stayed home too.

Due to our isolation and previous vaccinations, for everyone but Elsie, no one else in our family got it.  I wish I could say the same thing for our extended family, but that is unfortunately far from the reality.  Despite being vaccinated and boosted, my dad got it, but my mom was spared.  Emily's family and Brendon chose not to be vaccinated and everyone of them tested positive.  Becca's family is a mixed bag of vaccinated and unvaccinated but none of them got it because Becca has been sick with shingles and they mostly had stayed away from family.

Also this week, Elsie ended up at the doc for what we thought was a bladder infection.  It turned out not to be that and we don't know exactly what is was but she seems to be feeling better now.

The good news is that everyone is on the mend.  I am not sure if Merrick will go back to school tomorrow or Tuesday, but his return is around the corner.  I am also able to reopen my school on Tuesday after having to close this past week. 

So 2022 hasn't been off to a great start.  I am choosing to look at the glass at half full though and think that up is the only place to go from here.  I am officially declaring next week as the start of 2022 for our family.

Here is the only picture I really took this week, Elsie is also obviously dreaming of sunnier days ahead.

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