Sunday, December 15, 2013

My Semi-Annual Post About Stress

Lately I have noticed a tendency for Merrick to want to climb into things.  He has been climbing into laundry baskets, decorative baskets around the house, his toy box, and this cupboard (this day he had an accomplice, his cousin Lincoln).  I really don't think there is any deep meaning behind it, other than when you are a kid it is fun to climb into things and an empty laundry basket makes a pretty cool pretend race car.  But sometimes I wish I too could climb into something and shut out the world, and there is deeper meaning behind it.

The past few weeks I have felt like my life is like a run away freight train.  I feel like I run as hard and as fast as I possibly can from the moment I get up in the morning until the moment I finally crash out at night.  And, despite the fact that I am getting significantly less sleep than is healthy, I still feel like there are not enough hours in the day.

The other day I thought to myself, "ok, you just need to make a 'to do' list and then you can work through it".  Well I did that and I got a few things crossed off, but then the most annoying thing happened.  I realized that there was a whole list of things that I needed to get done before I could work on my "to do" list.  So I did the only logical thing, I made another list.  So now I have lists on top of lists and still have not accomplished nearly enough.

I am sure you are probably thinking that if I have so much to do I should just stop wasting time writing about it and get to work.  Well, writing on the blog was on my "to do" list and besides, sometimes a girl just needs to vent.  I guess my question for all you out there in blog land is, do you ever feel this way?  Do you feel like no matter what you do or how hard you try, you always come up short?  If not, please don't tell me and if so, just hang in there and if you figure out the key to getting it all done please let me know.

In the meantime, if you need me I will be hiding in my closet.


  1. Hang in there! You're coming into the home stretch and besides the blog is a highlignt of our week so I'm glad it's on "The List".

  2. You're one of the most organized, determined and capable people I know so keep your chin up! You'll get through this phase! :)
