Tuesday, April 27, 2010


When I did early intervention we used to try to guess what the kids we worked with would be when they grew up based on their personality and the kinds of things that interested them. Now when I look into Merrick's eyes or watch him explore a toy I can't help but wonder what the future is going to hold for him.

When most people see Merrick for the first time one of the first things they notice is how tall and thin he is. Usually it follows that they make some sort of comment about how he is going to play sports when he grows up. I could see that and I know that his daddy would be happy if developed a love for soccer...or really any sport for that matter.

I watch him explore how things work and see how fascinated he is by watching someone brush their teeth or use a Q-tip. He is so curious and smart. I could see him wanting to be a doctor or a lawyer like daddy will be some day.

One thing I do know is that I want him to be happy and safe and while I really hope he does not want to be a firefighter, he would make a really cute one. Don't you think?

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