Sunday, September 24, 2023

Back At It

 This will probably be a short update this week.  I don't even have many pictures to share, which is pretty shocking for me, but this week has been a whirlwind.

Back to school is always a tough time.  Everyone's practices have started up and that is just the beginning.  This week also brought two curriculum nights, a church meeting, and Jeremy leaving on a business trip to Seattle.

On top of that, I also subbed two and a half days this week.  I taught high school PE, kindergarten, and middle school special education.  Its pretty safe to say I got the whole range of experiences.  So far subbing is a lot of things, but boring isn't one of them.

I was very ready for the weekend by the time it rolled around.  Unfortunately, for me this weekend was full of soccer, volleyball and baseball tryouts.  Maybe someday I will have a relaxing weekend.

My only real photo from the week came from the girls' curriculum night.  I snapped a picture of CC's "At Ten" poem and self portrait so the night wasn't a complete bust.

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