Sunday, January 19, 2020

Here We Go Again

Remember last week when I said that we were doing a really good job of getting on the elliptical and exercising, well I spoke too soon.  In all fairness there have been some extenuating circumstances that derailed things this week.  Things started out normal enough on Monday.  On Tuesday I had a preschool fair that caused me to be gone all afternoon and evening.  Maybe it was because I was out of my mind from exhaustion when I got home Tuesday evening, but somehow a casual conversation about whether we should put our house back on the market on Sunday and Monday took a turn.  We made a spur of the moment decision that it was time again to get back on the market.  Wednesday I spent the afternoon cleaning, getting rid of junk and prepping.  Thursday we went live.  What?!?!  I do not make quick decisions like that!

Since Thursday things have been a mixed bag.  We have had a lot of online activity that we didn't have last time.  We also had a really busy open house on Saturday (which we never had last time).  Unfortunately, we haven't had anyone come outside of the open house though.  I am trying to stay calm, but it is really hard.  Our agent told me that I will have a much better time of the listing process if I can just let things go and not worry about the house being perfect all the time. The problem is that I live in the house with three small people and if I don't stay on alert at all times, things can go sideways quickly.

I am not sure I am going to survive the coming weeks.  Please pray for me and that the house sells quickly.  We ALL need it to.

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