Sunday, June 23, 2019

Baseball 24/7

Ok so summer is in full swing now and I already feel it slipping through my fingers.  I think that is largely due to the fact that we are eating, sleeping, and breathing baseball right now and so time kind of blurs together.  I am really not joking about how encompassing it is either.  Take this week for example.  Merrick had practice Mon, Tues, Wed, and Thurs for two hours (with the exception of Tuesday's practice which was a little shorter because it was at the batting cages).  When we weren't at practice those days we were planning our activities and meals around it so everyone gets fed and where they need to be when they need to be there.  We, thankfully, had Friday off .  Then, between yesterday and today, we played five games this weekend.  When you factor in that each game is about two hours and you have to be at the game an hour early and the game is an hour away, there is your whole weekend right there.  See.  Not joking. Baseball 24/7.

All of that sounded really negative, but I will say for the most part we are having a total blast.  Merrick is pitching a ton and really coming into his own.  This weekend he pitched in 3 of the 5 games.  He had one inning where all three outs were his strikeouts and his last inning he pitched 58% stikes.  Not bad at all.  The girls have also been super troopers, especially Elsie who is braving it with little to no naps.  I wonder if I could go back in time if I would be onboard for summer ball.  The answer is probably yes.  All in all the good has outweighed the bad and if nothing else we have had tons of family bonding time.

One other thing, since it really is all about Merrick these days, Merrick got his pallet expander this week.  That thing is a nightmare.  We have to turn (expand) it twice a day for two weeks and then he has to keep it in for three months.  It's going to be a long three months.

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