Sunday, July 17, 2022

Summertime and the Living's Easy

 This week was full of random summer fun. In this house, you can rarely make it through a day without Carrigan crafting something.  In the summer, with much less time constraint, her crafting goes into hyper drive.  On the first day of summer she made herself a stuffed watermelon plush (that I think I neglected to post).  Last week, at Merrick's game, the sun was blaring and she took what she could find (tin foil from the burritos I brought for dinner) and crafted a hat for her and Elsie. This week she took her crafting to the kitchen, making pink Rice Krispy treats for the family. 

 This week we went with our church children's group to the temple.  We took a tour around the visitor's center and the ground and then went to a nearby parks for pizza and popsicles.  This is something they typically do every summer, but with covid, this is the first time Elsie remembers going.

We also finally made it bowling, a traditional summertime activity for us.  It was no surprise that Merrick beat the girls in both games.  What was a surprise was that Elsie led for 2/3 of the first game.  She somehow even managed to bowl a 1.62 mph spare.

Friday, while Merrick went to his friend, Mitchell's, baseball game, the girls, Jeremy and I went to our friends the Salo's house.  All the girls played with water balloons on the trampoline while the adults chatted and caught up.

Yesterday, all the kids went their separate ways.  Merrick went with the Ioapo's to watch Kalani's games.  Carrigan went to our church picnic with her cousins and had a blast and  "unlimited Kona Ice".  I don't have any pictures of either of their activities because I went with Elsie to a preschool friend's birthday party.  I think everyone had a good time but I can really only speak for Elsie, who I know had a blast at the entertainment center.  Jeremy had less fun, staying home and fixing our sprinklers that started leaking this week.  Well, maybe he didn't have less fun because I spent 4 hours at child's birthday and he finished the sprinklers and went and got a quiet lunch by himself.  I think he might have been the winner.

Additional, non-pictured fun from the week included swimming, parks, picnics, playdates, and shopping for a new toys and sports equipment.  It was a busy week of fun!  Summer is barreling along but we are trying to squeeze out every drop of fun we can.

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