Sunday, November 14, 2021

New Life- Week 85 (No School November)

This week was the start of what is being called "No School November".  Thursday was a legitimate holiday, Veteran's Day.  On top of this, the middle and high schoolers (including Merrick) had Monday off for a grading day.  Then, last week, the school district announced that due to a labor shortage caused by covid they would not have enough staff to have school on Friday so it would be a holiday as well.  In the end Merrick and Elsie ended up going to school for 2 days and Carrigan went for 3.  That meant that we had a lot more hours than usual to fill and many of them were very rainy.

Honestly, I am not really sure what we did with most of our extra time.  It's funny how that can happen.  I do know that we spent some time at the church so Merrick could practice basketball and the girls could scooter, both Jeremy and I each took the kids this week.

We also spent lots of time doing playdates and sleepovers with cousins.  I gained about four hours each day not carpooling the kids back and forth from school and activities, but probably spent about that much time shuttling the cousins back and forth between all of our houses.

I also took advantage of the extra time for some rare self pampering.  My hair has been SO long for so long so I went for a big chop and darkened it up for the winter.  It feels good to have a change. 

Next week we have a full school week, at least at this point.  I'll keep you posted.


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