Sunday, October 17, 2021

New Life- Week 82 (MORE Sports)

Is sports all I ever write about?  It kinda feels like it and it's probably because most weeks that's mostly what we do in our free time.  This week, for example, consisted of two baseball practices/scrimmages, one soccer practice, one club baseball tryout, one soccer game, one cheer clinic, and one select basketball tryout.  It's a lot and that was just for the older two kids and with a bye-week for our last baseball game of the season.  I am not sure what I am going to do when we add a third to the mix.

For now baseball is mostly off for a few weeks.  He has select tryouts in two weeks but until then it will just be any extra practicing we decided to throw in.  Basketball will also be off for a few more weeks after the tryouts today.  Soccer has two more week and then we will get a break from that too.  

As for the cheer clinic, that was just a one off.  I was looking through Facebook and saw an ad for a clinic where they learn a few cheers and then preform them that night at the high school football game.  As I was looking at the ad thinking how Carrigan might like to do it, I noticed that the picture on the ad was of her!  They had used a picture from the last clinic she had done.  It was funny because when we checked her in for the clinic that night, the cheer coach said, "Hey!  I know you! You are on our flyer!".  She had a great time at the clinic because she got to do it with her cousin, Isabel, this time.  Not only that, but it was youth night at the game so all the West Linn Football teams got to run the field at halftime so most of the family was there to see Isabel and her perform.

Well that's it for now I guess.  Another week, another sport...or 5.  Oh, and I would be remiss if I didn't mention that Merrick made the club baseball team he tried out for.  We are weighing our options because they want him to play up in 13u and he still wants to tryout for the West Linn Select team.  We'll see...

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