Sunday, October 7, 2018

Fun(ish) Run

We have been very lucky this fall.  For the most part our weather has been fairly warm and we have had very little rain.  Friday that changed.  Unfortunately, Friday was also the day of the kid's annual "Fun Run" for their school.  Also unfortunately, when they asked for volunteers, I stepped up.  That meant that the kids got to run in the rain and I got to be out there right with them with Elsie strapped to my chest.

Carrigan ran in the first group.  On her second lap, she got tripped by someone and fell. She came hobbling back to the starting area with the PE teacher and we tried to find her some ice.  Unfortunately, they didn't have any so instead she got one popsicle for her mouth and one for her knee.  Amazingly, after a few minutes of icing her knee, she decided it was better enough to eat her icing popsicle.

Merrick ran in the second group.  Nothing traumatic happened for him.  He just put his head down and ran through the rain.  I counted four laps that he did, but he insists it was five.  Either way it was lots of good running.

For Elsie's part, she was a trooper.  She stayed happy through both groups running and it wan't until the very end that she decided that she had had enough (and boy did she decide she had had enough).

Despite the rain and the injury, it was a pretty fun run.  I told the Principal that next year they need to serve hot chocolate instead of popsicles and then maybe then it won't rain. 

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