Sunday, March 17, 2013


It really is amazing how fast Merrick is growing up and hitting some major milestones. In church he hit one of those milestones this year when he graduated from nursery and was able to go to primary. It doesn't seem that long ago that he would cry when we told him it was time to go to nursery and then wouldn't let us leave the classroom, a few times we had to have the teachers distract him so we could sneak out. Now, as soon as the closing prayer is said in sacrament meeting he looks at us, asks if it is time to go to Primary, and then bolts out of the chapel for the primary room. He loves everything about primary. He is glad he is old enough to be in primary with his cousins and he loves the singing time and usually ends up singing the songs throughout the week.

Today was a big day in his primary experience because he was asked to say the opening prayer. We didn't have any clue this was happening, but luckily in our church program they print the program for the primary and Jeremy saw that Merrick was going to say the opening prayer today. Merrick had quite the cheering section as Jeremy, Nana, Papa, and I all went to hear his first primary prayer. It was so cute to see him walk right up and sit in one of the front chairs reserved for those that are going to give the opening prayer, scripture and talk and then when it was his turn he walked right up to the podium and with out any hesitation repeated the words to the prayer that I gave him.

It is so amazing how quickly he is growing up. Today it was his first primary prayer, but if I blink I am sure it will be time for his first day of school. I guess I will have to practice not blinking.

Since it was not appropriate to take pictures of a prayer, here are some pictures from his first Sunday in primary.

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