Sunday, February 23, 2025

Elsie's Birthday

For blog post #2 today, I wanted to report on Elsie's birthday. Elsie turned 7 yesterday and we had a great day celebrating her. We started the day with a birthday breakfast and opening family presents. We then spent the rest of the morning getting ready for an epic Taylor Swift party with seventeen 6 and 7-year-old.

After much prep work, the party was about as smooth as possible. We had loads of Taylor Swift fun. We painted guitar keychains, played T-Swift bingo, had pizza and cupcakes, had a karaoke dance party, and made friendship bracelets.

 Once all the friends went home, Elsie opened her presents from her friends. She was very spoiled and got TONS of Taylor Swift themed presents. She then got to spend several hours opening and playing with her new presents while we cleaned up and recovered from the party. We ended the day with a fun birthday dinner at Red Robin.

We are so thankful for Elsie and to have her as part of our family. Elsie loves big and feels big. She always brings the fun and energy. We can't wait to see what the year brings for her.

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