Sunday, April 21, 2024

Teeth and Growing.

This week has been full of reminders that my kids are growing up and there is nothing I can do to stop it.  In one week we did course selection for middle school for Carrigan and course selection for HIGH SCHOOL for Merrick.  You read that right.  Somehow, my once little boy (ok he was never little but you get the point), is off to high school.  He took field trips to both high school choices this week and when I picked him up his commentary was, "Mom, high school is terrifying.  There are like grown men. They all have full beards."  If this was Merrick's takeaway, I can't imagine how the kids who aren't 6'5"felt.

As yet another signal of growing up, Merrick got round two braces this week.  This was scheduled for a few months ago, but with all of his heart and ankle stuff, had to be rescheduled.  Braces hurt and he spent the next several day struggling to eat much of anything.  I think things are turning the corner though and hopefully he will be able to eat again soon.

With all the registering for new schools and getting braces, Elsie was apparently feeling left out of the growing up and decided to lose another tooth.  This tooth has been fairly wiggly for about a week, but had been hanging on.  On Friday, I picked her up from school and she burst into tears.  She said that she had swallowed her tooth.  She had been eating a granola bar at snack time and felt something hard in her granola bar. She "tried to crunch it and couldn't so she just swallowed it".  Turns out it was her tooth and she was DEVASTATED.  She was unsure if the tooth fairy would come and she had cried most of the rest of the day after that.

I scooped her up and whispered to her that I was so excited.  I had heard that when you swallow a tooth, the Tooth Fairy brings you something extra special.  Merrick and C.C. had never done that so I had never gotten to see what it was, but now we would get to find out.  We spent the rest of the afternoon turning our frown upside down and wondering about what it might be that the Tooth Fairy would bring.

Turns out that the Tooth Fairy came through.  In addition to the usual money, the Tooth Fairy also brought something extra special.  Thankfully, Elsie is feeling much better about the whole experience.

So its been a week of reminders that my babies are growing up.  If anybody has found a way to stop that from happening, please loop me in.  I don't know how much more my mama heart can take.

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