Sunday, June 19, 2022

Preschool Graduation

This week was the beginning of the end of school wrap up.  On Thursday, Elsie and I celebrated preschool graduation.  Truth be told, this isn't really her graduation because she has one more year of preschool before heading off to kindergarten, but we celebrated just the same.

This year's graduation followed the same pattern as all the previous years.  We invited all the parents to come at the end so the kids could perform some songs for them.  Then we handed out certificates, graduation hats, and gifts.  After that, we had treats to round out the day.  We had a great group of kids this year and everyone really hit it off so people were in no hurry to leave.  I think people stayed for about an hour after preschool typically ends, pretty sure that's a record.

One down, two to go on the school wrap up.  Merrick and Carrigan are both off from school tomorrow and then have a full day on Tuesday and a half day on Wednesday.  We'll see how the week plays out but I think at least Merrick will probably sit out the half day.  We are all SO ready for summer to start.

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