Sunday, May 20, 2012

Family Helpers

Several weeks ago I overheard a conversation between my sister-in-law, Rachel, and someone at church. Rachel was talking about all the things they had been working on over the weekend and the women said something to the effect of, well it is so nice you have family around to help. I remember Rachel's response because it really struck me. She said "Particularly this family, they are extremely helpful."

I don't know how it happened or how my parent's instilled this idea in all of us, but the bottom line is, if someone needs help, whether big or small, whether convenient or not, you help in any way you can. Most of the time I am very grateful that this is how we "roll", but there are also times when I wonder what I have gotten myself into.

This weekend our "family" project was painting Ben and Becca's entry way and dining room. With three different colors and extremely vaulted ceilings, it was quite the endeavor. At the end of the weekend all I can say is there is nothing quite like spending A LOT of time together to bring out the good, the bad, and the ugly (and let me tell you with all of us in our painting clothes all weekend, there was a lot of ugly). For our purposes tonight, I would like to focus on the positive, so here is a list of things that I love about my family that I was reminded of this weekend,

1) As previously mentioned, if you need help, whether it is with eating a delicious cake or remodeling your whole house, we are there

2) You can count on laughing...a lot

3) You can count on being laughed at...a lot

4) You will be rewarded for your efforts (thanks Ben and Becca for all the yummy food)

5) You can always be yourself...even if that means wearing two layers of clothes and dancing by yourself to the music in the middle of a restaurant (Colvin)

6) You can count on someone to take a picture, put it on the internet, and save it as a weapon for a later date.

1 comment:

  1. family ever...even with the razzing we like to give each other!
