Sunday, April 29, 2012

Serenity Now

It seems that the theme for this week has been stress. We are smack dab in the middle of finals for Jeremy (he had two finals last week and has two this week). When he is not actually taking a test, he spends the day locked away in his study room. Then, after a full day of studying, he goes to study group at night. On top of this he has been trying to find summer work, which is a huge stress in and of itself.

My life has not been a walk in the park this past week either (although we did take several walks in the park, so that's funny). Anyway, work has been stressful this week as we are really trying to get our product to market and we are getting really close. I also have been picking up some slack with Merrick since Jeremy is never around.

Merrick has not been immune to all the stress. I know he feels it and he asks for Jeremy a lot, which breaks all of our hearts.

We do feel like the end is near though. Jeremy's finals will be over on Thursday, he maybe, possibly has secured a job for the summer, and soon our product will be released.

But while the end of this current stress is in sight, last night we all felt like we needed a break, a least for a few minutes. For some reason our families go to activity for relieving stress is "fort night". I think Merrick likes it because he gets to spend time with Jeremy as they build it and he always gets to watch a show and eat dessert inside it once it is built. I think Jeremy likes it because it brings back memories of the simpler times of his childhood. I like it because it is something that makes my boys happy!

While even "fort night" was still a little stressful, for reasons I won't get into, it still represented a break, a chance to climb inside and block out the rest of the world, and for that I am grateful.

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