Sunday, June 9, 2024

Play Ball

 This week our lives revolved around sports even more than usual.  Elsie had her last two softball games.  Over the last few weeks, they have gradually moved away from using the tee in favor of coach pitch.  They get three tries on coach pitch before they have to use the tee.  This week, Elsie had 6 at bats.  She hit off the coach 5 of 6 times.  After the second game of the week, we had an end of season party with pizza and cupcakes, and diamond trophies.   The girls really enjoyed the celebration and playing together on the playground, maybe more than they enjoyed playing softball.

Of course, we also spent the week balancing all of Merrick's sports commitments.  This week, he had two basketball practices, three baseball practices, and three baseball games.  I feel like I spent the week either watching him play or shuttling him back and forth from practice.

This coming week is the last week of school.  It will be a week full of graduations and celebrations and if we survive it, we might be rewarded with a few minutes of downtime.

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