Sunday, June 16, 2024

Graduation Time

 This week was full of graduations and celebrations.  The parties started on Monday.  In leu of a formal graduation, the kindergarteners had a family picnic to celebrate their advancement.  That was held on Monday, in between two rounds of field day (3-5 grade went before lunch and k-2 went after).  This year, especially since it was Elsie's first field day and Carrigan's last, I felt like a needed to be there for both of them.  I ended up being at the school all day (and in the sun, which I didn't prepare for adequately enough and I ended up fried).  It was a very successful field day though, and just in time since the P.E. teacher ended up going into labor about 36 hours later.

The picnic itself was lowkey and fun.  Each family brought their own picnic blanket and lunch.  We ate together and the kids ran around and played with bubbles.  It was a short and sweet way to end the year.

The partying continued on Wednesday with Carrigan's 5th grade carnival.  They had a bounce house obstacle course, lawn games, a dunk tank, pizza, a bubble show, and shaved ice.  The kids also got West Linn High School shirts to all sign.  The weather was beautiful and it was another great way to celebrate the end of the era.

Thursday was Merrick's turn.  Time for 8th grade graduation.  They had a nice ceremony where, in addition to handing out certificates, they also handed out some awards, both for academics and for character traits.  Merrick got both an academic and a character award.  For his character he was given the perseverance award and the wellness award for academics.  It's hard for me to wrap my head around him going to high school next year.  I'm a bit in denial that his next graduation will be a big one.

The festivities wrapped up on Friday with C.C.'s 5th grade graduation.  This ceremony was much longer.  The principal and each of the kids spoke.  They had a slide show presentation and the kids sang a song.  Following the ceremony, they held a reception for families.  I can't say that I'm a lot more excited for C.C.'s transition to middle school then I am for Merrick's to high school, but I am super proud of her and her growth this past year.

After school, C.C. went to her friend's house down on the river to paddleboard and go out on their boat.  I took Merrick and his friend and Elsie and her friend to the pool.  It was a fun cap to the week, with a good time had by all.

Today is Father's Day so we can't forget to celebrate the amazing dads in our lives too.  Jeremy and I were both blessed to grow up with great, supportive dads in our lives and now he is that for our kids.  He continually shows up for them and supports them in their events and activities, big and small.  We are so blessed to have him.

P.S. before I go, here are all the kids last day of school photos and a few other goodies that didn't make it any anywhere else.

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