Sunday, June 2, 2024

Bend and Recovery

Last weekend, we were in Bend for a huge baseball tournament with a record breaking 215 teams.  We had games on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, which made for a busy, baseball filled long weekend.  The weather was pretty good and the girls were good sports despite both not feeling well.  They busied themselves exploring the schools were we had the games and playing on the track and field equipment. We brought Millie with us though, so that added another layer of stress at all of the games.  All in all, it was a decent weekend.  We went 2-2 and run ruled both teams we beat (our first run rules of the season).

While it was a lot of baseball, having it spread over three days did mean that we had some down time for for non-baseball activities.  In all the years we have been going to Bend for tournaments, we have never made it to the High-Dessert Museum.  This year, we were finally able to correct that.  We were driving home from our game on Saturday, drove past it, and realized we actually had time to go.  We turned around and started heading there when we realized we had Millie with us.  We decided that Jeremy and I would just switch off and on staying in the car with her and make it work.  When I went to buy the tickets, we discovered that they museum offered kennels and we were able to kennel Millie and go altogether to the museum.  Side note- neither Millie or C.C. were pleased with the kennel situation, but we made it work for a couple hours.

After braving horrendous traffic coming home on Monday afternoon, we made it home with two sick girls and everyone feeling a little run down and exhausted.  C.C. ended up staying home from school the next day, while the other two begrudgingly went.  While C.C. was too sick for school, she was not too sick to spend the whole day crafting.  She was finally able to start work on the chunky blanket she had been wanting to make with the yarn she got from Grandpa and Lollie for her her birthday.

A week later, we are all still not 100% well and recovered from our trip, but we are getting there.  With just two weeks left of school, there is much too much to do to stop now.

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