Sunday, September 22, 2024

How tall is he?!?!

How tall is he?!?! That's a question I get asked A LOT about Merrick.  This week was extremely busy, but also a slow news week so I think I will take the moment to address this question formally on this blog for future reference.

As of now, Merrick stands at 6'6".  We had his 15 year well check this week and talked at length about his height with the doctor.  I wanted to formally document what the doctor said so in the future I can look back to it.  Otherwise, I will never remember with my Swiss cheese brain. 

Merrick's doctor said that while he continues to be way off the chart in terms of his height, he grew 2.5 inches in the last year, he has not started showing any signs of slowing down.  He said that we should anticipate that he will likely grow at least another 2.5 inches before he is done, which would put him at around 6'9".  I truly can't wrap my head around that.  

So there you have it.  Will he end up 6'9" or 7'0" or 6'6.5"?  Time will tell and now we have this to refer back to.

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