Sunday, September 29, 2024

Friday Fun Day

This week the kids didn't have school on Friday.  You'll potentially be hearing that from me several times over the school year.  This year our district got rid of early release Wednesday and replaced them with select Mondays and Fridays off throughout the year.  Let me say, I'm a fan.

This past Friday was a work day for me.  However, I had a recruiting event on Thursday evening after working a full day and ended up working 12 hours that day so I felt justified in flexing my time a bit on Friday.

Merrick started his day at the gym at the church working on his hoops, something he does pretty much everyday.  Eventually, the girls and I joined him.  I still worked, but the girls roller skated around the gym and Merrick finished up his practicing.

The afternoon is where the real fun began.  Merrick went to up the middle school to meet a friend and hang out.  No pictures because teenage boys are not likely to take pictures and share them with their moms.

Carrigan left as well and went to the mall with a couple friends.  The walked around, window shopped, ate mall treats, and bought random things that they truly didn't need.  It brought back lots of memories for me.  All the was missing was the pay phone call home when it was time to be picked up.  One friend's mom took them and stayed with them so I did get a few pictures, yay!

That just left Elsie and I, something I imagine will be said more and more in the coming years.  She really wanted to try out a new park so we headed to the next town over, Tualatin, to try a park that we have never tried before.  It had a river theme with a pretend river running through the ground and obstacles around.  She had a blast creating an obstacle course and running it while I timed her.  They also had a rock climbing wall that she enjoyed and never really got the hang of.

All in all it was a fun day and a big improvement over a couple of hours on a random Wednesday that ultimately gets wasted.

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