Sunday, July 21, 2024

Visitors Part 2

This week we continued to party with Grandpa and Lollie.  On Monday, C.C. had horseback riding lessons.  We then went to the park and did the story walk that Elsie has been begging for all summer.  We rounded out the day with the church Primary Family Home Evening.  We went to the temple for a video and scavenger hunt and then to the park for pizza and popsicles.

On Tuesday, we went to the beach at Fort Stevens, near Astoria.  This has become a favorite beach and the kids, once again, enjoyed jumping off the sand dunes.  The water was really cold, but that didn't stop any of them from going in.  Elsie, in particular, had to practically be dragged out when it was time to go.  We finished the day with a trip to the battery at Fort Stevens and then to Astoria.


Wednesday and Thursday were both a little more low key.  We were all nursing sun burns, and tired from our day at the beach.  We did some baking, shopping, crafting, shopping for crafts, and hanging out.  Grandpa and Lollie also took the kids to the movies while Jeremy and I both worked for a little bit.

Thursday evening Grandpa and Lollie went home.  We were all sad that the party had to end and it was back to real life, Oregon summer real life though which meant we still spent Saturday afternoon at the river.  If I've said it once, I've said it a million times, Oregon summers are magical.

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