Sunday, July 28, 2024


This week Merrick got to have a redo of his FSY experience.  It's not that he didn't have a good time last year, he did, but he also came home with a heart condition that put a bit of a damper on the week.  When we found out that he could go again this year, even though it was not his year to attend, he decided he wanted to give the experience another try.  Luckily, he was able to find a kid in our church that was also anxious for a redo of his experience from last year, and he convinced him to go.

Merrick left Monday morning and I am happy to report that he had a heart condition free week.  He reported that, while he missed the experience of going with lots of people knew from our ward and stake, he still had a good time.  He has good experience with his roommate, Quin, and he found some kids that he enjoyed hanging with.

We were very busy while Merrick was gone, I just don't have any pictures to prove it.  The first three nights we had a party or gathering everyday. Monday, we had a potluck "happy hour" with our neighbors from our old house.  Tuesday, we had extended family dinner (Lundy Sunday Funday- Tuesday Edition).  Maude left on Thursday for her move to San Diego and Brendon came to town to help her, so we moved family dinner to catch everyone while they were here.  Wednesday, we had a ward BBQ.

Also this week we spent time at the pool, had three separate play dates, went back to school shopping, and I started painting our baseboards.  We certainly were busy.

Merrick will be home for less that 48hrs before he heads out on his next adventure.  He and Jeremy are leaving before dawn tomorrow for High Adventure in the San Juan Islands.  They will be incommunicado with little to no cell reception.  The girls and I will be having girl time and will be trying my best not worry about Jeremy and Merrick.  We'll see how that goes.

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