Sunday, October 28, 2018

8 Months and End of Season

The thing about being really behind on blogging is that sometimes it makes more sense to group events together based on similarity rather than chronology.  As I was looking over pictures and thinking about what I wanted to blog about today, I noticed that most of the things I wanted to talk about related to fall and Halloween.  With Halloween coming up this week it made sense to hold all the fall and Halloween activities until next week (I may really regret that decision come next week).  That left two important, but unrelated things, for the this week; Elsie's 8 month birthday and the end of the soccer season wrap up.

On the 22nd Elsie turned eight months.  I say this every month, but how did this happen???? She is not quite crawling but is soooo close.  She transitions from sitting to the crawling position and it is almost like you can hear her wondering if trying it is worth the risk and then she sits herself back down.  She has also started pulling herself to stand but took a pretty good tumble and hasn't tried again since.  So far she seems to be a little risk adverse, but that's ok because I am in no real hurry for her to do all these things.  Elsie has also started clapping and waving bye (sometimes).  Usually if she gives you a wave it is just one of two and then she quickly turns it into a clap.  She has been saying "mamama" a lot and I wouldn't be surprised if "mama" ends up being her first word (wishful thinking?).  She still LOVES her food and is still a terrible sleeper.  I keep telling myself that one day I will get to sleep again.  I guess in the meantime it is just more time we get to spend together.

The other thing for this week is yesterday was the last game of the soccer season for both Merrick and Carrigan.  Carrigan was never really sure that she liked soccer very much and we were just happy when she touched the ball, but she was on a really good team and they went undefeated for the season.  She was sure, however, that she liked the end of season party.  They got treats, trophies, unicorn ears, a unicorn blanket, and a unicorn necklace (her team was the Pink Unicorns).  The team mom went a little overboard, but the girls ate it up.

Merrick's season was the exact opposite.  He loves soccer and is really pretty good.  He spent most of the season as goal keeper and did an amazing job.  His team, however, was mostly made up of boys who didn't really want to be there and they didn't win a single game.  He also had a good end of the year party with a nacho bar and medals.  Jeremy also got some nice gift cards from the team for coaching.

It was a fun season, but yesterday the rain started and I am just thanking my lucky stars that we made it through without a game in the rain.  That right there is a miracle from heaven.

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