Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Project(s)

This was the week of big projects. Monday was just a normal day with no hinting at the craziness the week would ultimately bring.

Tuesday was supposed to start with making our vinyl banner to advertise for the preschool with several activities to follow. Instead the banner would turn into an all day (actually more like all week) project. Becca is going to have a baby any day so we begged and pleaded her to help us before her big day came. We spent one day cutting the vinyl, one day assembling and hung it on another day.

On top of this, on Tuesday, while making the banner, we decided to throw a baby shower for Becca...on Saturday. Somehow over the next few days we sent out invitations, planned food, decorations, and games.

It was such a crazy week. I feel like I ran non-stop from Tuesday on. I would run out of time each day and things from the "to do" list would get pushed to the next day, but somehow in the end we got it all done. The banner is awesome and up on the main highway running through the town and the shower was great. Hooray for being productive!

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