We started off slowly, with lots a walking and just a minute or two of running. We have gradually added time and distance. Today Jeremy is running just under two miles and I am running somewhere between one and a a half and two miles each time.
I am not sure when this got serious. Like I said, it started just as a way to get a little exercise, but somewhere along the way something changed. We each got ipods, new Nike Free running shoes, and now have set a goal that I never saw coming.
This week, with lots of encouragement from Jeremy, I signed us up for the Pat Tillman run in April. It is 4.2 miles through the streets of downtown Tempe with a finish on the 42 yard line of Sun Devil Stadium. Over the next eight weeks we will step up our training so that come April 4.2 miles does not seem as scary as it does right now. Wish me luck because I am panicking just thinking about it.
Here are some really awesome pictures of us on a run. I have to give Jeremy credit because he pushes Merrick's stroller every time...my hero!
I must have been running too fast for the camera to keep up